Local Elections
On May 5th 2011 there will be local elections held across the country as well as a national referendum which will determine the future of the national voting system.
This sees the first major referendum held in the UK since 1975 which was held to determine whether or not the UK should remain part of the European Economic Community, the result saw a 67% victory in favour of the movement. This year’s referendum will determine whether the public wish to replace the current first past the post system with the alternative vote system (AV).
The Conservative Party were re-elected in great style back in May 2010, with an overwhelming 54.1% vote share. Therefore Bexley will not be holding local elections this year, however, polling stations will still be open for voters to choose on the national referendum.
Crayford councillor, Geraldene Lucia-Hennis, of the conservatives, is very optimistic about the forthcoming referendum and believes that it is going to be a great time in English politics and backs the Conservative stance on the AV no vote.
"There hasn't been a major referendum in such a long time, it is a really exciting moment for English politics and the consequences the outcome will have are huge.
"As a conservative, I stand by the AV no vote, I believe our current voting system is a part of the English tradition and is a tried and tested method, if we were to change the system now it will not be certain that the new method will be a success."
"There hasn't been a major referendum in such a long time, it is a really exciting moment for English politics and the consequences the outcome will have are huge.
"As a conservative, I stand by the AV no vote, I believe our current voting system is a part of the English tradition and is a tried and tested method, if we were to change the system now it will not be certain that the new method will be a success."